Tagged: function


Matlab uifigure usage fig = uifigure creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object. This is the type of figure that App Designer uses. fig = uifigure(Name,Value) specifies figure properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments....


appdesigner opens the App Designer Start Page. From the Start Page you can create a new blank app, or a new 2-panel or 3-panel app with auto-reflow, or you can: View a list of your...

Matlab Live Editor

Programming and Scripts

Scripts To create a script, use the edit command, edit mysphere This command opens a blank file named mysphere.m. Enter some code that creates a unit sphere, doubles the radius, and plots the results: [x,y,z] = sphere;...

Matlab Functions

Calling a Function in Matlab

MATLAB® provides a large number of functions that perform computational tasks. Functions are equivalent to subroutines or methods in other programming languages. To call a function, such as max, enclose its input arguments in parentheses: A = [1 3...

A GUI to Set Simulink Model Parameters

About the Simulink Model Parameters Example This example illustrates how to create a GUI that sets the parameters of a Simulink® model. In addition, the GUI can run the simulation and plot the results...

Simulink Building the Model

Building the Model Simulink® provides a set of predefined blocks that you can combine to create a detailed block diagram of your system. Tools for hierarchical modeling, data management, and subsystem customization enable you...

The find Function

Find Function The find function determines the indices of array elements that meet a given logical condition. In its simplest form, find returns a column vector of indices. Transpose that vector to obtain a...