Tagged: cell


Matlab Plot Objects

Matlab Plot A number of high-level plotting functions create plot objects. The properties of plot objects provide easy access to the important properties of the core graphics objects that the plot objects contain. Plot...

Implementing a Set/Get Interface for Properties

The Standard Set/Get Interface The MATLAB Handle Graphics system implements an interface based on set and get methods. These methods enable you to set or query the value of graphics object properties. The hgsetget...

Specifying Class Precedence

InferiorClasses Attribute You can specify the relative precedence of user-defined classes using the class InferiorClasses attribute. Assign a cell array of class names (represented as meta.class objects) to this attribute to specify classes that...

Matlab Implementing Linked Lists

Displaying Fully Commented Example Code Open class code in a popup window — Use this link if you want to see the code for this class annotated with links to descriptive sections. Open class...

Why Use Object-Oriented Design

Approaches to Writing MATLAB Programs Creating software applications typically involves designing how to represent the application data and determining how to implement operations performed on that data. Procedural programs pass data to functions, which...

Adding Text Annotations to Graphs

What Are Text Annotations? Text annotations are boxes containing text strings that you compose. The box can have a border and a background, or be invisible. The text can be in any installed text...

Formatting MATLAB Code for Publishing

Overview of Formatting MATLAB Code for Publishing This section describes ways to control how output that the MATLAB software generates when it evaluates executable MATLAB code for a published document. For example, you can...