Tagged: struct


Matlab Defining Classes — Syntax

Matlab Defining Classes classdef Syntax Class definitions are blocks of code that are delineated by the classdef keyword at the beginning and the end keyword at the end. Files can contain only one classes...

Matlab Class Overview

MATLAB User-Defined Classes A MATLAB class definition is a template whose purpose is to provide a description of all the elements that are common to all instances of the class. Class members are the...

Calling Superclass Methods on Subclass Objects

Calling a Superclass Constructor If you create a subclass object, MATLAB calls the superclass constructor to initialize the superclass part of the subclass object. By default, MATLAB calls the superclass constructor without arguments. If...

Matlab Events and Listeners

Specifying Events To define an event, you declare a name for the event in the events block. Then one of the class methods triggers the event using the notify method, which is method inherited...

Class Definition-Syntax Reference & Class Folders

Options for Class Folders There are two basic ways to specify classes with respect to folders: Creating a single, self-contained class definition file in a folder on the MATLAB path. Distributing a class definition...

Why Use Object-Oriented Design

Approaches to Writing MATLAB Programs Creating software applications typically involves designing how to represent the application data and determining how to implement operations performed on that data. Procedural programs pass data to functions, which...