Tagged: statements

Controlling Command Window Input and Output

The format Function The format function controls the numeric format of the values displayed. The function affects only how numbers are displayed, not how MATLAB software computes or saves them. Here are the different...


path Get/set search path. PATH, by itself, prettyprints MATLAB’s current search path. The initial search path list is set by PATHDEF, and is perhaps individualized by STARTUP. P = path returns a string containing...

Working with Matrices in Matlab

Generating Matrices MATLAB software provides four functions that generate basic matrices. zeros All zeros ones All ones rand Uniformly distributed random elements randn Normally distributed random elements Here are some examples: Z = zeros(2,4)...

Matlab Expressions

Matlab Expressions Variables Like most other programming languages, the MATLAB language provides mathematical expressions, but unlike most programming languages, these expressions involve entire matrices. MATLAB does not require any type declarations or dimension statements....


while Repeat statements an indefinite number of times. The general form of a while statement is: while expression statements END The statements are executed while the real part of the expression has all non-zero...


elseif IF statement condition. elseif is used with IF. The statements after the elseif are executed if the expression is true and all the preceding IF and elseif expressions are false. An expression is...


if if statement condition. The general form of the if statement is if expression statements ELSEIF expression statements ELSE statements END The statements are executed if the real part of the expression has all...