Tagged: more

Examples of Expressions

You have already seen several examples of MATLAB expressions. Here are a few more examples, and the resulting values. rho = (1+sqrt(5))/2 rho = 1.6180 a = abs(3+4i) a = 5 z = sqrt(besselk(4/3,rho-i))...


more   Control paged output in command window. more OFF disables paging of the output in the MATLAB command window. more ON enables paging of the output in the MATLAB command window. more(N) specifies the...


computer Computer type. computer returns a string containing the name of the computer on which MATLAB is executing. Possibilities are: ISPC ISUNIX PCWIN – MS-Windows 1 0 SOL2 – Sun Sparc (Solaris 2) 0...

MATLAB Desktop

When you start MATLAB, the MATLAB desktop appears, containing tools (graphical user interfaces) for managing files, variables, and applications associated with MATLAB. The first time MATLAB starts, the desktop appears as shown in the...