Tagged: text

Working with Matrices in Matlab

Generating Matrices MATLAB software provides four functions that generate basic matrices. zeros All zeros ones All ones rand Uniformly distributed random elements randn Normally distributed random elements Here are some examples: Z = zeros(2,4)...

Matlab Expressions

Matlab Expressions Variables Like most other programming languages, the MATLAB language provides mathematical expressions, but unlike most programming languages, these expressions involve entire matrices. MATLAB does not require any type declarations or dimension statements....

Desktop Tools

This section provides an introduction to MATLAB’s desktop tools. You can also use MATLAB functions to perform most of the features found in the desktop tools. The tools are: “Command Window” “Command History” “Launch...


end Terminate scope of FOR, WHILE, SWITCH, TRY, and IF statements. Without END’s, FOR, WHILE, SWITCH, TRY, and IF wait for further input. Each end is paired with the closest previous unpaired FOR, WHILE,...



Matlab Edit Command edit Edit M-file. edit FUN opens the file FUN.M in a text editor.  FUN must be the name of an m-file or a MATLABPATH relative partial pathname (see PARTIALPATH). edit FILE.EXT...


DIARY Save text of MATLAB session. DIARY filename causes a copy of all subsequent command window input and most of the resulting command window output to be appended to the named file. If no...

MATLAB Desktop

When you start MATLAB, the MATLAB desktop appears, containing tools (graphical user interfaces) for managing files, variables, and applications associated with MATLAB. The first time MATLAB starts, the desktop appears as shown in the...