Tagged: Plot Edit Mode

Matlab Editing Plots

Why Edit Plots? MATLAB graphs are formatted to provide readability, setting the scale of axes, including tick marks on the axes, and using color and line style to distinguish the plots in the graph....

Adding Text Annotations to Graphs

What Are Text Annotations? Text annotations are boxes containing text strings that you compose. The box can have a border and a background, or be invisible. The text can be in any installed text...

Plotting Tools — Interactive Plotting

What Are Plotting Tools? The modular, interactive plotting environment called plotting tools enables you to Create various type of graphs Select variables to plot directly from a workspace browser Easily create and manipulate subplots...

Marking Up Graphs with Data Brushing

What Is Data Brushing? When you brush data, you manually select observations on an interactive data display in the course of assessing validity, testing hypotheses, or segregating observations for further processing. You can brush...