Tagged: Graphics

A GUI to Set Simulink Model Parameters

About the Simulink Model Parameters Example This example illustrates how to create a GUI that sets the parameters of a Simulink® model. In addition, the GUI can run the simulation and plot the results...

Working with 8-Bit and 16-Bit Images

8-Bit and 16-Bit Indexed Images Double-precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers are the default MATLAB representation for numeric data. However, to reduce memory requirements for working with images, you can store images as 8-bit or 16-bit...

Working with Images in MATLAB Graphics

What Is Image Data? The basic MATLAB data structure is the array, an ordered set of real or complex elements. An array is naturally suited to the representation of images, real-valued, ordered sets of...

Displaying Graphics Images

Image Types and Display Methods To display a graphics file image, use either image or imagesc. For example, assuming RGB is an image, figure(‘Position’,[100 100 size(RGB,2) size(RGB,1)]); image(RGB); set(gca,’Position’,[0 0 1 1]) [warning]This image...

Matlab Annotation Objects and Example

Users typically create annotation objects from the Plot Edit toolbar or the Insert menu (select Plot Edit in the View menu to display the Plot Edit toolbar). However, you can also create annotation objects...


Matlab Plot Objects

Matlab Plot A number of high-level plotting functions create plot objects. The properties of plot objects provide easy access to the important properties of the core graphics objects that the plot objects contain. Plot...