Tagged: delete

Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells for Notebook

Defining Commands as Input Cells for Notebook For information about evaluating the input cells you define, see Evaluating MATLAB Commands with Notebook. To define a MATLAB command in a Word document as an input...

Managing Desktop Layouts

Overview of Desktop Layouts When you end a session, MATLAB saves the current desktop arrangement. The next time you start MATLAB, the desktop appears like the way you left it. However, tools such as...

Plotting Tools — Interactive Plotting

What Are Plotting Tools? The modular, interactive plotting environment called plotting tools enables you to Create various type of graphs Select variables to plot directly from a workspace browser Easily create and manipulate subplots...

Working with Matrices in Matlab

Generating Matrices MATLAB software provides four functions that generate basic matrices. zeros All zeros ones All ones rand Uniformly distributed random elements randn Normally distributed random elements Here are some examples: Z = zeros(2,4)...

Desktop Tools

This section provides an introduction to MATLAB’s desktop tools. You can also use MATLAB functions to perform most of the features found in the desktop tools. The tools are: “Command Window” “Command History” “Launch...


dir List directory. dir directory_name lists the files in a directory. Pathnames and wildcards may be used.  For example, dir *.m lists all the M-files in the current directory. D = dir(‘directory_name’) returns the...